

Mayor George Moss Speaks to Rotarians at Weekly Meeting

The guest speaker for the weekly meeting of January 19 was Winnfield Mayor George Moss. Moss updated Rotarians on projects going on within the city as well as completed projects. The Mayor explained the effects of COVID-19 and also hurricane damage has slowed up progress on many things that were in the works for the city but are now going forward.

The Allen building, which is across from the courthouse in Winnfield has had a complete overhaul. There was a problem with rain coming into the back door because it would come open during storms. That in turn caused the floors to rot. Also, the walls in the front were in need of replacement. All of that has been completed with the help of funds from the state. The outside of the building is now being painted to complete the project and the council is moving toward working on rental rates.

Also the streets are being grinded and paved in places that need it within the city.


WSHS Senior Duncan Presented With State Championship Ring

WSHS Senior Duncan Presented With State Championship Ring

Duncan is presented with state championship ring and banner by his coaches and fellow students.

WSHS Senior Duncan Presented With State Championship Ring

Desmond shares a hug with Coach Garfield.

WSHS Senior Duncan Presented With State Championship Ring

Desmond Duncan hugs his great grandmother who showed up at the presentation to surprise him.

January 20, 2022 was a special night for a very special young man from Winnfield Senior High School. Desmond Duncan is a senior at WPHS this year and has served his school well. The faculty of the school worked hard to make sure the events of the night were a surprise for Duncan and their task was achieved when he was presented with a Class 2A Championship Ring for his success in track. In May, Desmond won the state championship in the 400 meter dash and also placed 3 rd in the 800 meter run. These are two very difficult events to compete in because they are run closely together. Coach Eric Hardaway stated that this is the first state championship here in Winnfield as an individual athlete in many years.


Krewe of Kingfish Celebrates 30 Years

Krewe of Kingfish Celebrates 30 Years
Krewe of Kingfish Celebrates 30 Years
Krewe of Kingfish Celebrates 30 Years

Top left are the 2022 Krewe of Kingfish King and Queen, Cody Bedgood and H e n r i e t t a Plunkett. Bottom left is the very first Krewe of Kingfish. Top right are the founders and 2 time king and queen Mr. and Mrs. Don Purser. To the bottom right are the 2020-2021 king and queen, Jonathan McDow and Megan Bruce Glenn.

Krewe of Kingfish Celebrates 30 Years
Krewe of Kingfish Celebrates 30 Years

Ms. Jane Purser, wife of the late Mr. Don Purser remembers fond memories of their time with the Krewe of Kingfish. She and her husband were the Krewe’s first king and queen.

This year marks the 30 th Anniversary of the Mardi Gras festivities in Winnfield. Although there was no ball or celebration last year due to COVID-19, plans have been back in play this year starting with the annual Mardi Gras ball that was held on January 22 at the Civic Center in Winnfield. 30 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Don Purser made it their mission to bring a little bit of southern Louisiana to Winn Parish by way of Mardi Gras. Mr. Don originated from south Louisiana so this was an important task for him. The Krewe of Kingfish originated that year and has followed that tradition each year.


Unsung Heroes

If you were to look up the definition for “unsung hero” you will likely find it’s meaning to be something like, “one that does great deeds but receives little or no recognition.” The word humble comes to mind. Someone who just does good because they are just GOOD. Maybe they have a servant’s heart. Often times these heroes live in the shadows of others. While others may receive the praise and glory for things that happen, these people are simply fulfilled by doing good but not receiving recognition.


Residents of Autumn

Residents of Autumn
Residents of Autumn
Residents of Autumn

Residents of Autumn Leaves Nursing and Rehabilitation Center made receiving blankets for newborns/infants at the Women’s Resource Center in Natchitoches. Many newborns and infants will be given a special blanket made by special hands.


Maude Ballou, an Unsung Hero

As Jan. 17 celebrated the life, memory, and great work of Dr. Martin Luther King, it brings to mind those selfless but fierce individuals throughout our history that have contributed to the future of those who would go after them. In researching some of the great women who have fought for the rights of women, minorities, and even those that had no voice, there are so many that should be recognized. One such woman is Maude Ballou. She was considered the “Daredevil” who served as MLK’s right-hand woman. In 1955, Maude Ballou—a young mother who had studied business and literature in college and was program director of the first Black radio station in Montgomery, Alabama—was approached by her husband’s friend, a young minister and activist named Martin Luther King, Jr., to be his personal secretary. After agreeing, Ballou became the Rev. Dr.


Councilman Hamms Offers Concerns During City Council Meeting

The January 11 meeting of the Winnfield City Council was held via zoom this month. All members were in attendance except for councilwoman Sarah Junkin. There were no amendments to the agenda. There was also no old business.

In new business, the December 14 regular meeting were accepted and carried. The new floor’s at the Civic Center was the next item on the agenda. Councilman Hamms asked if this was the revenue from FEMA that is being used to pay for the flooring and Mayor Moss clarified that the monies would be coming from the recreation sales tax. The matter went up for a vote with Miller and Holden voting “no” and Hamms and Phillips voting “yes”. Mayor Moss was the tiebreaker and voted “yes” and the new flooring was approved.


City of Winnfield looking forward to the completion of Neil Waggoner Drive project

City of Winnfield looking forward to the completion of Neil Waggoner Drive project

From the ground to completion of the building of the duplexes, Mayor George Moss, Jessie Phillips, and Contractor David Desadier are excited to see the progress of the duplex project.

City of Winnfield looking forward to the completion of Neil Waggoner Drive project
City of Winnfield looking forward to the completion of Neil Waggoner Drive project

Exciting things are happening in Winnfield and one of the most needed is the construction of the new housing duplexes on Neil Waggoner Drive. This has not been an overnight project. Mayor Moss stated that it was a bit of a process to get the land put within the city limits. Developer Steve Perry purchased 21 acres through Realtor Tommy Straughan. Mr. Perry has other apartment duplexes in places such as Ruston and Jonesboro. Mayor George Moss and Mr. Jessie Phillips toured the other properties and were impressed with the structures.


Human Trafficking Awareness Day is January 11

Human trafficking is defined as the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation. Although the entire month of January has already been recognized as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, January 11 is specifically dedicated to awareness and prevention of the illegal practice.

In 2000, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act addressed modern-day slavery, becoming the first federal law to do so. In 2007, the United States Senate established Jan 11 th as National Human Trafficking Day. In 2010, President Obama dedicated the entire month of January to awareness and prevention of human trafficking.


Judge Anastasia Wiley Speaks to Rotarians

Judge Anastasia Wiley Speaks to Rotarians

Judge Anastasia Wiley and Clerk of Court Chesney Chandler attend Rotary meeting.

The weekly meeting of the Winn Rotary Club was held on Jan. 5 th at Linda’s Country Kitchen. The guest speaker was 8 th Judicial Court Judge Anastasia Wiley. Judge Wiley was the Winnfield city judge for 12 years before filling the seat left behind by Judge Jacque Derr upon his retirement.

Judge Wiley credited Judge Derr for setting a basis for her to follow while adding that a few changes have taken place over the last year that she explained as “how you eat an elephant – one bite at a time.” These changes have included the time of court, which was previously at 9:30am and has now been set for 9:00am. Wiley states that she tries to always “remember her rearing,” and holds to her belief of being patient, dignified, respectful, and courteous in her position as Judge and expects that of those that enter her court.


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